using FredMDQD
= FredMD() # download most recent Fred MD
fmd = FredQD() # download most recent Fred QD fqd
Fred MD and Fred QD are two popular pre-compiled datasets for macroeconomic analysis and forecasting. FredMDQD
makes working with these datasets easy. It has three key features:
- Downloading the most recent datasets.
- Downloading a specific vintage.
- Automatic transformation of variables according to the recommended codes.
- Searching for the meaning of variables or searching for the abbreviation of variables.
More information can be found on the GitHub page.
Downloading the most recent datasets
Downloading a specific vintage
using FredMDQD
using Dates
= Date("2023/01", dateformat"yyyy/mm")
d = FredMD(d) # download the January 2023 vintage of Fred MD
fmd = FredQD(d) # download the January 2024 vintage of Fred QD fqd
Automatic transformation of variables according to the recommended codes
using FredMDQD
= FredMD()
fmd # transformed data
fmd.transformed # original data
fmd.original # transformation codes fmd.tcodes
using FredMDQD
# Searching for federal funds rate
search_appendix(:MD, "fed")
# Searching for consumption
search_appendix(:QD, "consumption")